Saturday School

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Saturday School Foundation

The Future of Our Education is in Your Hands

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Founder's Message

     “After Saturday School was established 5 years ago, my vision gradually became real – Saturday School is no longer just a place for school students, but more importantly a space for all to come join, creating inspiration, creating impact, and creating value out of the community for the greater future of the society we all picture to achieve. Many things have changed from the beginning. The number of our classrooms is increasing, and the same goes for the number of volunteers – from one to ten, from ten to hundreds. Saturday School is now not only a class that’s held on just Saturday morning, but it’s where our people gather together every weekend and even every weekday after work to spend time learning, growing, as well as receiving and giving inspiration to one another.

     People usually join Saturday School by word of mouth – when we join, we learn, and we share the experiences we’ve received. The very interesting thing to me is that what people gain from the same story is different. Some people came with depression, and some came with a very tiny bit of confidence, but once they are brave enough to step out of their comfort zone, they found a way to unlock themselves, and they found “friends”. I find this breakthrough magical.

     The most important aspect of Saturday School is that Saturday School is not all about “me”, but it has become what it is today because everyone, every volunteer, every child, has helped and is helping shape Saturday School the way they wish it to be. Everyone is a part of creating this atmosphere. I truly believe that this is what we’d need in Thai society, and this can only be achieved once “everyone” believes in their capability of changing, creating, and being. We all can drive and push Thai education system and society, and I warmly welcome you all to be a part of. “

Mr. Sorawit Paiboonrattanakorn

CEO Of Saturday School Foundation