Saturday School

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Saturday School Foundation

The Future of Our Education is in Your Hands

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Privacy Policy, Saturday School Foundation

This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information. In case of discrepancies between the Thai language version and any translation hereof, Thai language version shall prevail and shall be governed to the laws of Thailand.

1. This policy is written according to the Personal Data Protection Act 2562 BE and related laws.

2. Personal Data Sources:
       2.1 Saturday School collects and/or publishes your personal data that identifies you directly which are collected from registration and related forms.

3. Types of personal data that Saturday School collects:
       3.1 Personal Information: e.g. Name, Surname, Age, Date of Birth, ID Number.

       3.2 Contact Information: e.g. Phone Number, E-mail Address, Social Media Accounts.
       3.3 Copy of Personal Information: e.g. a Copy of ID Card, Passport.
       3.4 Other information: e.g. Media Data (Text, Voice, Photos, Videos, etc.), Suggestions and Recommendations.

4. Child Protection Policy:
       4.1 For an individual below 20 years old, Saturday School would collect your personal data with Parent/Guardian Consent. Any data collected without Parent/Guardian Consent will be removed from the system accordingly. 

5. Personal Data Collection:
       5.1 Saturday School collects and keeps your personal data in both soft (electronic document) and hard (paper document) copies.

6. Personal Data Processing:
       6.1 In order to sort and manage volunteer activities to suit each participant’s needs and interests, Saturday School will collect, keep, and publish your personal data for the following causes:

              6.1.1 To create and manage participant lists (i.e. volunteers, children).
              6.1.2. To support volunteer activities.
              6.1.3. To follow Saturday School’s policies, terms, and conditions.
              6.1.4. To communicate with you directly.
              6.1.5. To improve volunteer activity experiences.

7. Personal Data Sharing:
       7.1 Saturday School may share your personal data to third parties under your consent, privacy policy, and a legal obligation.

8. Law Enforcement:
       8.1 Under certain circumstances that your personal data is required and/or requested by governmental agencies or laws, Saturday School will share your personal data as appealed. 

9. Personal Data Storage Period:
       9.1 Saturday School will keep your personal data throughout your volunteer activity period or throughout the essential period for the purposes of accomplishing the project objectives, in which the information may be stored after the project ends. Under a legal obligation, Saturday School will remove, delete, and/or anonymize your personal data when it is out of necessity or when the essential period is over.

10. Personal Data Protection:
       10.1 Saturday School secures your personal data in a very high security manner, technically and physically, to keep your data safe from being lost and stolen, and to prevent access, protecting it from being altered and used by unauthorized sources. This policy is designed to provide a safe and secured security system at an appropriate level to the risks of processing your personal data.

11. Personal Data Rights: You have the rights under the terms of the laws, this policy, which is written as of now and will be modified in the future, and all the criteria assigned by Saturday School as follows:
       11.1 The Right to Withdraw Consent: Under your consent, either it being given before or after the Personal Data Protection Act being effective, Saturday School is allowed to collect, store, and share your personal data as appealed. However, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. 
       11.2 The Right to Gain Access: You have the right to gain access to your personal data under Saturday School’s database. You also have the right to request to make a copy of your own personal data, as well as appealing for the source of information acquired. 
       11.3 The Right to data portability: You have the right to receive your personal data that Saturday School has provided in a format that is readable or usable by machines or equipment and can be used or disclosed via automated methods. Also, You have the right to request Saturday School to send or transfer personal data of said format to other data controllers if it can be processed via automated method, and to request Personal Data of said format which is directly sent or transferred by Saturday School to other data controllers, unless it cannot be processed due to technical difficulties.       
       11.4 The Right to object: You have the right to object to collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data at any time. If the collection, use or disclosure of your Personal Data is undertaken under legitimate interest of Saturday School or any person or any juristic person, or for public benefit.
       11.5. The Right to Appeal for Data Removal and Deletion: You have the right to request Saturday School to remove, delete, or anonymize your personal data at any time 1) if you find that Saturday School is collecting and using your personal data in an inappropriate manner and/or in a way that is against a legal obligation and a privacy policy, 2) if you find that your personal data given is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are collected and processed for, and/or 3) if you have used The Right to Withdraw Consent and The Right to Object.       
       11.6 The Right to Rectificate: You have the right of rectification to edit, correct, complete, and update your personal data in order to have it up-to-date and to avoid any miscommunication.      
       11.7 The Right to Restrict Data Processing: You have the right to request Saturday School to suspend and restrict your personal data processing temporarily while it is being examined once you have requested to use The Right to Object and The Right to Rectificate.                11.8 The Right to Complain: Under a legal obligation, and as a data subject, you have the right to make a complaint if you find that Saturday School is collecting and using your personal data in an inappropriate manner and/or in a way that is against your consent, the laws, and a privacy policy.

              11.8.1 To make a complaint, please contact Saturday School’s Data Protection Officer (DPO). Saturday School will process and report the operating results within 30 days after the complaint is submitted. Otherwise, Saturday School will inform you why the particular request is denied via an e-mail and/or a phone call.

12. Personal Data Breach Report:
       12.1 In case any personal data breach or violation occurs, Saturday School will report the situation to the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC), Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, within 72 hours after the incident is informed. For high risk associated violations that affect your rights and freedoms, Saturday School will notify you of the specific situation and walk you through the recommended actions and an effective judicial remedy via an e-mail and/or a phone call. 

13. The Revisation of the Privacy Policy:
       13.1 Saturday School may edit, revise, and update the privacy policy as appropriate. You may receive update notices of privacy policy changes via Saturday School’s social media platforms; e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Line. 

14. Privacy Policy of Other Organizations:
       14.1 This privacy policy only applies for Saturday School’s participants, and it does not apply for any other participation in any other organizations. Saturday School is not involved in other organizations’ privacy policy.

15. Contact Details:
       15.1 For any suggestions, recommendations, and questions regarding privacy policy, its process of being collected, used, and shared, and an inquiry to appeal for the rights, please contact Saturday School’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) Volunteer.